12 Interesting Facts About Dreams That Few People Know

We spend about one-third of our life sleeping. Although from the outside it seems like nothing but a routine, if we take time to think about it, it is just the opposite: there is a whole world of details and curiosities that we would not suspect at first glance.

We at ViralSection have put together a list of fascinating facts about sleep and what happens during that time.

1. Like old times

12 Interesting Facts About Dreams That Few People Know

© Pexels / Pixabay

It varies from person to person, but there are people who only see dreams in black and white. Why? It’s a generational thing: older people who remember television before it became colorful, dream more often in grayscale than those who are younger. That raises the question, how do modern kids dream? In high definition?

2. The 5 senses

12 Interesting Facts About Dreams That Few People Know

Blind people also dream… but not in the way you’d expect. These people achieve this using the senses they do possess: hearing, smell, touch, and taste. It’s pretty hard to imagine for sighted people, but it makes sense — it’s basically replacing what you don’t have with what you do have. It works like this with those who are blind from birth. People who have lost their sight at some point throughout their lives do dream with sight.

3. Animal instinct

12 Interesting Facts About Dreams That Few People Know

Maybe you’ve always sensed it, but in this aspect it seems that we are not very different from animals after all, since, like you, they are capable of dreaming. At least that’s the theory: Scientists can’t claim it with 100% accuracy, but some species’ sleep phases are the same as humans. So there’s a basis to think that perhaps your dog or your cat also has a very entertaining life when they are asleep.

4. Battery for creativity

12 Interesting Facts About Dreams That Few People Know

The brain is still highly active during sleep. In fact, great minds have obtained inspiration in their sleep; former Beatles band member Paul McCartney composed Yesterday (one of the group’s biggest hits) in a dream. So, beware: pay attention to the fact that your million dollar idea might be right there in your dreams!

5. Familiar faces

12 Interesting Facts About Dreams That Few People Know

Do you remember the faces you see in dreams? You may never have wondered, but it’s pretty interesting. These do not emerge randomly or by magic: they are always people and faces that you have seen before (although you may not have even been aware of remembering them). This is based on studies that indicate the areas of the brain with the highest activity rate during deep sleep are also responsible for facial recognition.

6. Remembering

12 Interesting Facts About Dreams That Few People Know

Just because you don’t remember dreaming, doesn’t mean you’re not doing it! Chances are you’ve just forgotten, but there’s nothing to worry about. Every night, the average person has several dreams, but the vast majority (a percentage as high as 95%) are unable to remember them. So, appreciate the ones you do remember because, for each one, who knows how many were forgotten!

7. Gender issue

12 Interesting Facts About Dreams That Few People Know

© John-Mark Smith / Pexels

“Men are from Mars, women are from Venus” may be a cliché, but there are differences depending on the gender of the person when it comes to dreaming and the content of these dreams. For example, men tend to have more dreams that highlight fighting, aggressive, or violent themes. Women, on the other hand, experience higher levels of fear of rejection and other more subtle fears.

8. Eat, drink, sleep

12 Interesting Facts About Dreams That Few People Know

© ulleo / Pixabay

© StockSnap / Pixabay

It’s not your imagination: some foods make us sleepy. Among them are dairy products, cherries, turkey meat (which would explain why falling asleep after Christmas or Thanksgiving dinner is so common), bananas, and pumpkin seeds. So, if you have insomnia, consider one of these options for a midnight snack.

9. Getting up

12 Interesting Facts About Dreams That Few People Know

Getting out of bed is not an easy task, either because of the comfort you feel when you are nice and curled up or because you had a great time last night, but this can get to the point that experts call dysania. This is a condition that happens when it takes more than half an hour to get up. It’s not a disease, but it’s considered an indication of a more serious condition that should not be ignored, such as depression or stress.

10. Nightmares

12 Interesting Facts About Dreams That Few People Know

Although these are usually associated with fear and dread, up to 50% of the emotions involved in nightmares are different and far from what is traditionally considered “scary.” Who are the most common protagonists? It’s neither monsters, nor darkness, nor creepy clowns, or any material worthy of a horror film. Instead, more than half of all disturbing dreams contain primary emotions such as confusion, sadness, and guilt. If you often experience these kinds of nightmares, it may indicate that you have to find a solution to a problem that bothers you.

11. 5 more minutes

12 Interesting Facts About Dreams That Few People Know

Whether it’s for a task that you still can’t finish, because you had to stay late at the office, or because you want to see the end of a movie you just can’t miss, we’ve all been there. And, in fact, the human being is the only mammal that carries out this action, deliberately delaying rest and sleep. It’s not recommended, but you know well that some responsibilities (or series) just can’t wait.

12. Lucky 7

12 Interesting Facts About Dreams That Few People Know

© vtorous / Depositphotos

According to experts and specialists, the average person manages to fall asleep in 7 minutes. Sometimes it can take a little more, sometimes less. Habits and level of physical activity should also be taken into account. However, most people seem to fall more or less within that number. How long does it take you to fall asleep?

As you can see, the art of sleeping is much more complex than it seems. Is there anything you want to comment on in this fascinating world of dreams? Don’t forget to share your experiences in the comment section!

Preview photo credit Tharakorn / Depositphotos

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