Most of the photos people take, show someone posing in front of a camera. But, from time to time, the lens captures an imperfect angle, and the result is a photo that has to be seen several times to figure out what it shows. It’s not all bad news, that’s how we train our imagination and have fun. In a Reddit thread, users shared the types of photographs that make us doubt our own eyes.
ViralSection made a collection of 25 photographs that have a comically confusing perspective.
1. “Apparently one of the side effects of cold medicine is growing a man’s arm.”
2. “2 cats or white cat with a hat?”
3. “That’s not how you hold a baby.”
4. A cat, the world’s savior
5. When your hand prints look 3D:
6. God… is this dog falling?
7. “Someone forgot to train legs.”
8. Is there a dog on the table?
9. This banana slice is pretty mad.
10. Baby girl with a ponytail
11. Give me a hug!
12. “Not a movie, just a reflection from the sun”
13. “When I stand on this mountain, I am a giant.”
14. “Steep roads in San Francisco”
15. The boy with the enormous hand
16. Where are this man’s legs?
17. No, that’s not Botox. He’s just biting a donut toy.
18. What are you looking at?
19. Car on fire!
20. Someone dropped her pants.
21. A levitating canoe
22. A demon just came to town.
23. Ghost tree star
24. What the heck is going on here?
25. Look who brought you a present!
Which photo deceived you the most? Do you have confusing pictures you would like to share with us? You can do so in the comment section!
Preview photo credit natsjxr / Reddit
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